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Alphabetical Listing

Image Variety Breeder Price Availability
Iris Man's Best Friend Man's Best Friend Black $6.00 instock
Iris Manhattan Hattie Manhattan Hattie Begley $6.00 outofstock
Iris Mariposa Skies Mariposa Skies Tasco $10.00 instock
Iris Mary Frances Mary Frances Gaulter $8.00 limited
Iris Mary Randall Mary Randall Fay $10.00 outofstock
Iris Merchant Marine Merchant Marine Keppel $8.00 limited
Iris Merlin's Robe Merlin's Robe Nichols $12.00 outofstock
Iris Mesmerizer Mesmerizer Byers $8.00 limited
Iris Mighty Warrior Mighty Warrior Van Liere $10.00 instock
Iris Millie Millie Poling $8.00 outofstock
Iris Mme. Chereau Mme. Chereau Lemon $6.00 instock
Iris Money In Your Pocket Money In Your Pocket Black $12.00 instock
Iris Montmartre Montmartre Keppel $12.00 outofstock
Iris Mystique Mystique Ghio $8.00 outofstock
Iris Neglected Zebra Neglected Zebra Kasperek $8.00 outofstock
Iris New Moon New Moon Sexton $10.00 outofstock
Iris Nickel Nickel Black $6.00 outofstock
Iris No Egrets No Egrets Kasperek $6.00 outofstock
Iris Noble Gesture Noble Gesture Keppel $12.00 instock
Iris Noble Stature Noble Stature Hilton $8.00 limited
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