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Alphabetical Listing

Image Variety Breeder Price Availability
Iris Polestar Polestar Stout $8.00 outofstock
Iris Praetorian Guard Praetorian Guard Meininger $8.00 outofstock
Iris Prairie Song Prairie Song Meininger $10.00 outofstock
Iris Puddy Tat Puddy Tat Black $6.00 outofstock
Iris Purple Paws Purple Paws Black $6.00 outofstock
Iris Pussycat Pink Pussycat Pink Black $6.00 outofstock
Iris Queen Eleanor Of Aquitaine Queen Eleanor Of Aquitaine Baumunk $12.00 outofstock
Iris Queen's Circle Queen's Circle Kerr $8.00 outofstock
Iris Rainbow High Rainbow High Keppel $12.00 outofstock
Iris Rameses Rameses Sass $6.00 outofstock
Iris Reckless Abandon Reckless Abandon Keppel $12.00 outofstock
Iris Red At Night Red At Night Ernst $8.00 outofstock
Iris Red Canyon Glow Red Canyon Glow Meininger $8.00 outofstock
Iris Reiterate Reiterate Nelson $6.00 outofstock
Iris Revision Revision Keppel $12.00 outofstock
Iris Rhinelander Rhinelander Schreiner $10.00 outofstock
Iris Rippling Waters Rippling Waters Fay $8.00 outofstock
Iris Romy Romy Blyth $6.00 outofstock
Iris Rosy Wings Rosy Wings Gage $6.00 outofstock
Iris San Francisco San Francisco Mohr $6.00 outofstock
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